

我在布拉格车站发现了一个用外国人的窗口的时候,非常放心了。我跟在这个窗口坐的老人说“Excuse me”,他回答我不听懂的言语。他会说德语。当时在捷克一般的外国语是德语。



Learning a Foreign Language Is Quite Tough, but I should Do It

When I was a university student, about thirty years ago, I visited to Czech. At that time, there were not many Czech people who could speak English, so it was hard to communicate with them.

At Prague station, I found a ticket window for foreigners, and I was relieved. I say to the old man sitting at the other side of the window, “Excuse me,” but he replied in the language which I couldn’t understand. He could speak German. At that time in Czech the ordinary foreign language was German.

A traveler called at me. He looked quite tired. He said that being able to speak foreign language was amazing. In fact, I couldn’t speak English very much. I guessed that his native language was English and he spoke English even at foreign countries. That was the first time for him to visit to the country where people couldn’t speak English, so he realized that he had to learn a foreign language.

I am a Japanese. When I visit to foreign countries, I should speak a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is quite tough, but I should do it.



プラハ駅で外国人用窓口を発見して、とてもほっとした。この窓口に座っている老人に “Excuse me”と話しかけたら、彼は理解できない言葉で返事をした。彼はドイツ語が話せる。当時、チェコで一般的な外国語はドイツ語だった。

